Satan wants abortion to murder those babies.
Satan wants those babies in daycares being given bottles by strangers.
Satan wants mothers to have careers and the children to be raised in public schools where God is not allowed to be mentioned.
Satan wants children to be brought up in the ways of the world.
Satan wants to destroy the home by having it sit empty all day long and where strife reigns between the couples at night.
Satan hates marriage and wants perpetually singleness for young adults.
Satan wants the wife to rule her husband.
Satan wants foolish women who tear their homes down.
Satan celebrates divorce.
Satan hates the family and wants to destroy it.
Satan wants children to be raised without a father.
Satan convinces couples that children are a burden and an inconvenience, and they need to use birth control to prevent having many, if any, children.
Satan wants a mother’s career to take top priority.
Satan wants mothers’ hearts to be turned toward what society has to offer.
God’s will is good, and acceptable, and perfect. Satan’s goal is to kill, steal, and destroy.
— Lori Alexander, The Transformed Wife, Satan is Doing Everything to Destroy the Home, January 5, 2019
Simply put, in Lori Alexander’s world, any belief different from hers is Satanic; and lifestyle different from hers is Satanic; and family structure different from hers is Satanic.
The post Christians Say the Darnedest Things: What Satan Wants by Lori Alexander appeared first on The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser.